X-ray diffractometer Bruker D8 DISCOVER SUPER SPEED SOLUTION
in particular for thin films and single crystals investigations
18 kW Turbo X-ray Source - Cu rotating anode, line focus
variable modular system
- Sealed parabolic Göbel mirror
- Bartels monochromators
- th/2th horizontal goniometer
- Centric Eulerian cradle
- LiF monochromator in the diffracted beam
- Pathfinder dual beam path analyzer
- Scintillation detector
- Temperature attachment Anton Paar DCS 350 from -100°C to +350°C
X-ray generator Rigaku RU 300
with 18kW Ag, Mo, Cu, Co rotating anodes, line and point foci
X-ray goniometer Bede 200
in particular for thin films and single crystals investigations
- Single or channel-cut monochromators
- th/2th horizontal goniometer
- 3 – bounce analyzer
- Scintillation detector
X-ray goniometer HUBER
in particular for thin films and polycrystalline or partly amorphous crystals investigations
- Parabolic Göbel mirror
- th/2th horizontal goniometer
- Quartz and graphite monochromators in the diffracted beam
- Scintillation detector
X-ray powder diffractometer PANalytical X’Pert PRO
- 3 kW X-ray generator
- Elliptical Göbel mirror in the primary beam
- th/th goniometer
- Ultrafast X’Celerator or proportional detectors
- Texture attachment
- High temperature Anton Paar HTK 2000 chamber
up to +2300°C
X-ray generator Seifert ISO-Debyeflex 3003
- 3 kW X-ray source
- Diffraction chambers
X-ray generator Seifert ISO-Debyeflex 3003
- 3 kW X-ray source
- Berg-Barrett method
- Laue method
Data analysis software
- LEPTOS for thin films
- TOPAS for polycrystalline materials
- HIGHSCORE PLUS for polycrystalline materials